Tag: newborn

Pregnancy and Baby

Breastfeeding Newborn -12 Months

Having a newborn is already tough enough. Add breastfeeding to the mix and it becomes a lot harder and MORE exhausting. I decided to nurse my youngest. This was brand new to me as I did not breastfeed my first two sons. Bottle feeding was so much easier than breastfeeding. Why would I want to breastfeed? Well, there are so many benefits to breastfeeding and this time around I had the time to do it. You can read my experience with Breastfeeding vs Formula – My Experience to get a perspective of both! My first 2 sons are both under a year apart. Therefore, I was super overwhelmed and new to parenting, at the time. There are a few stages you go through breastfeeding newborn – 12 months.

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Bonding With Your Child at Every Stage

I have always heard, “parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth.” Of course, I never really understood, until I became a mom. Every child is different and every child goes through different moments in life. Even if they are siblings, they are different! Parenting is a learning process. We learn as we go. Some days are harder than others. Bonding with your child at every stage is quite the challenge. As I am typing this, my oldest is asking if he can go to the park. He, of course, has a book report to redo since he rushed through it and misspelled most of the words. I told him he can go if he re-writes the paper neat and no misspelled words. Not every moment is joyful, as he is pretty upset right now. Well, you ask, how do you bond with your child at every stage?

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