9 newborn must haves
Pregnancy and Baby

9 Newborn Must Haves You Need

There are so many newborn necessities. They make life easier for you and baby. There are so many things you can buy but these are the 9 newborn must haves you need!

Sleep Sack

The HALO sleep sack is my favorite but I have also tried other brands. Since babies can’t sleep with blankets, a sleep sack will keep your baby warm at night. You won’t have to worry about your baby getting unswaddled in the middle of the night. I really love them for the first few weeks of life and during the winter. You can buy light and heavy weight sleep sacks too!

HALO BassiNest

The HALO bassinet is a life saver. I discovered it when I had my 3rd but he was already a couple of months old and I didn’t want to spend the money. This time around I wanted to get it but I said to myself this is my 4th and last baby. I don’t really need to. My mother insisted and bought it for me. Best purchase. It’s the best for those nighttime feedings. There are many bassinets out there but this one is great because it swivels and the front drops down for easy access to baby.

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is a must have! Babies love to be held 24/7. Baby wearing is comforting for your baby. There is also wraps that may be more comfortable for a very newbie. I have the Baby Bjorn and that carrier starts at a minimum weight of 8 lbs. It’s great to baby wear your newborn while you do chores around the house, quick stop at the grocery store or to take a walk while your toddler is in the stroller or walking beside you.

Car Seat and Stroller Combo

Whether you drive or not, it’s best to get a car seat and stroller combo. You need a car seat to take your baby home from the hospital and when your in the car of course! A stroller is perfect when taking walks, doing errands and even going to the doctors. The car seat is light at first but as baby gets older and heavier you are going to wish for the stroller.


A bathtub is essential. Most bathtubs come with a sling for use when baby is a newbie. When baby is old enough to sit on her own, you can remove the sling. Most tubs can be used until the toddler years. You will get your money’s worth and your baby will be safe! They are super slippery those first few months of life.

Nasal Spray & Booger Picker

These 2 go hand in hand. Newborns usually have extra fluids due to sitting in your womb for 9 months! Therefore, they can get pretty stuffy, along with those tiny little nostrils. Having a nasal spray and booger picker is essential. You want your little one to get some sleep!

On The Go Dome

A on the go dome is a smaller version of a playpen. I only discovered it when I had my daughter. It was such a great investment! She is only 3 months now and I use it all the time. I use it in my yard and I take it with me when I visit family. It is easy to pack and go, unlike the pack and play.


Some other newborn must haves are onesies. Sure the cute outfits are nice but as a newborn you will be home changing and feeding your baby most of the time. Onesies are handy since they are easy to snap on and off. They are also comfortable for baby. Did you know the folded flaps on onesies are there for a reason? You can pull the onesie on or off from the top in case your baby has a blow out. There will be plenty of those!


Someone always gifts blankets for the new baby. You may get several and they always come in handy. Keep a few in your living room, one in your car and in your room. Just because it’s summer out doesn’t mean your baby won’t need a blankie. My house is freezing due to having the AC on all day in the summer. But going out to the doctor’s office, grocery shopping or even going out to eat at a restaurant can be chilly for your newborn.

Bouncer or Swing

You only use a bouncer or a swing for a few months but it’s something you will use everyday. There are lots of swings that are small and don’t take up space, just like a bouncer. There are many options, from size, color and weight limit. Some you can use until your baby becomes a toddler!

Newborn Must Haves

There are many gadgets out there. Not every item may be needed. For example, when I lived in a small apartment I did not need a baby monitor. But now I do since I live in a two floor house. The items I listed above will definitely make things easier with a newborn. What are some of your favorite must haves for your newborn?

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