new year

How To Start a Productive New Year

Happy New Year! Another year full of new goals and plans. Do you have the same goals? Here is how to start a productive new year!


Get a planner or a digital one. I love checking things off plus jot down notes. I also have the cozi app where I write in all my appointments and is shared with my husband. It makes things easy to track everyone’s appointments and activities with four kiddos!

Be organized and keep a schedule! I get a new planner every year. It is super exciting to start fresh and write in everything for the year. This year I am using a new planner called the clever planner, which I found on Amazon.

Set Goals

New year, new goals. There are different goals we set all the time. Write down your goals and break them down into smaller goals. How can you reach each goal? Taking small steps will get you there. Also set deadlines for each goal.

Revisit your old goals. Were you able to accomplish last years goals? How can you accomplish them this year? Maybe do some tweaking. I know I wanted to read a book at least once a month. Didn’t happen every month. I needed to write down a list of books to have ready to request from the library.

Health Kick

Eat healthy. We all start the new year with goals at the gym but it all starts with healthy eating habits. October, November and December are full of sweets. The holidays are a good excuse to eat all the sugary desserts but once the holidays are over all I think about is summer days at the beach. Back to eating healthy and getting ready for the summer!

3 fun salads for the new year


Now that you have a healthy eating plan in place, add a workout. Whether you work out at home or at the gym, make it consistent. You will feel better and stronger!

park Ari

Get Some Zzz

Get some sleep. You cannot function without sleep. Recharge your battery. Go to bed early and wake up early. This helps with productivity and not procrastinating.

How do you start a productive New Year?

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