Tag: baby

Pregnancy and Baby

Celebrating Baby’s First Birthday/Jungle Theme

How do you celebrate baby’s first birthday? Growing up my mother had birthday parties for my sisters and I every year. My birthday is on New Year’s Eve so there was always a celebration. I however did not keep the tradition for my children. Especially celebrating baby’s first birthday. My tradition is to bake a cake and decorate it. As the they get older the boys pick something they would like to do for their birthday. One year we did indoor skydiving! That was super fun! Anyway, I picked a jungle theme to celebrate my baby’s first birthday!

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Pregnancy and Baby

10 Helpful Baby Hacks

Every child is different and therefore, you may do things differently with each child. I know I have, from a learning experience with each baby. Maybe you have thought of these baby hacks and have been doing them all along. However, if you are a new parent you may be looking for some hacks to help you get through the day. Here are 10 helpful baby hacks that will make your days go smoother!

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How to Start Scrapbooking

How to start scrapbooking? Scrapbooking keeps the memories alive. With technology, we tend to take pictures and just save them on our phones and upload to social media or google photos. Don’t get me wrong, those are awesome ideas. Especially when you want to show a loved one or friend pictures of your children or vacation. I remember as a little girl people used to carry pictures of their children in their wallets. Funny how times have changed. I however, love to print pictures and create scrapbooks so one day my children will have these memories. Just like a book, I love turning the pages. It is not the same as in e-book or audio book.

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